Thursday, January 11, 2007

A better future

Reading this article about Shai Agassi talk on Oracle Fusion I had few laughs. It's interesting either for the view about the business Agassi show (pretty pragmatic and old way in my opinion, which is not necesseraly bad), and for the answers given by Jesper Andersen from Oracle side.
I can't referein myself from noticing if a member of the board of SAP is aware about the time (5 years to develop, 3 to stabilize) required to get a new software working properly enough to sell it to clients, well they should try harder to remember it when putting on the market some of their products.

Let me add I do agree completly with Dan Farber:
"For customers, the situation is going to be a better negotiating position than in past years."
Also for consultants the future shouldn't be bad. I assume there will be a lot of work to do...

Change Request Tables

In case you need to find the tables storing the Change Request (store of data handled in SE10/SE03/STMS) check tables:

E070 and E071

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A banal one v2.0

Please don't blame me for this one either...

If you are not sure how to automatically retrieve correct OLTP RFC destination, try this:

* rfc
DATA: lv_rfcdest TYPE rfcdest,
lt_erpsites TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF smof_erpsh,
ls_erpsites TYPE smof_erpsh.

t_erpsites = lt_erpsites.

READ TABLE lt_erpsites INTO ls_erpsites
WITH KEY sitetypeid = 'SMOF_ERPSITE'.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
lv_rfcdest = ls_erpsites-rfcdest.
** ^^

A banal one, how to implement process_type driven auth check inside ICWC

After hearing a lot of screaming in a couple of meetings due to the lack of authority-check inside the ICWC I just wondered why people sometime likes so much to scream without a true reason.
Using the following BADI you can implement your own custom authorization check, like for instance calling and authority-check on standard object CRM_ORD_PR.