Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Let's suppose you are customizing CRM_IC bsp application (better known as ICWC); sometimes you have an entity (CL_CRM_BOL_ENTITY) you obtained from CuCoBDC (maybe you did
me->get_custom_controller( controller_id = 'CuCoBDC' )) like "BTOrder"; in debug you can check the entity kind navigating inside CONTAINER_PROXY (check DATA_REF).
You have an entity, but you need attributes of another entity, which is related to yours in GENIL (transaction genil_model_browser).

Using the following code:

new_entity = entity_followup->get_related_entity(
iv_relation_name = 'BTOrderHeader'
CATCH cx_crm_genil_model_error.

You obtain a new exciting entity, the attribute list of this entity could be more interesting (as such as this example you could not locate GUID in BTOrder but you easily find it in BTOrderHeader), a complete list is shown in GENIL.


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